ANGRY residents mounted a roadside protest over renewed plans to build homes in their village.

Around 70 people, many waving placards, took part in the protest in Briercliffe, Burnley, on Saturday against the latest plans for land off Milton Street.

Although the postal site's address is in Briercliffe, the land is within the Pendle boundary.

Pendle Council's Brierfield and Reedley area committee previously refused planning permission, first for 16 homes and later 13 houses, off Milton Street because of fears over access along the cul-de-sac and its junction with busy Briercliffe Road.

Now the developer has come back with new plans showing access to the site via Saxifield Street and Gorple Street, in the Cop Row area.

"This is just going to add to the problems of people living round here," said Carol Allen, who organised the protest with fellow Cuerdale Street resident Doreen Hindle. "It will mean more cars and more danger to children playing in this area.

"It won't be safe for them to play out. We're wondering where it will all stop."

Carol said residents suspected the development would open up nearby fields in future for homes to be built extending towards Stanbury Drive.

Other protesters said access from Saxifield Street into Briercliffe Road was dangerous.

The protesters waved placards reading "No to new homes" and "Keep our children safe from cars" at passing cars in Briercliffe Road.

Police officers attended after a complaint from bus drivers that protesters were crossing and re-crossing the road but no action was taken and the police were satisfied the protesters were acting lawfully.

The latest planning application will be discussed by the area committee in the next few weeks.