LET's get things in perspective following MEP Clive Davies' views (Letters, Aug 22).

The people of this country did not vote to join a union, but a market.

We are now controlled by unelected failed politicians such as Patten and Kinnock in their role as commissioners.

As far as principles, which the British hold precious, the one not mentioned by Mr Davies is that the British people do not wish to be overlorded by foreigners we have battled with over the centuries and who wanted to take this country by force.

As far as 12 countries queuing to join the 'union,' it's for their economic gain, not our well being.

What is more, the collective wealth of this country should not be diluted any more by us donating more and more money into the Euro begging bowl. What do we get from this so-called union? More imports than exports thus creating more jobs for mainland Europe and nonsensical new laws and regulations that upturn our long and tested standards.

We are an island nation, brought to the verge of bankruptcy many times by having to defend democracy, freedom and justice.

As more and more countries enter into this motley collection of states without a common language or constitution only disaster faces us -- for what little say we have now ill be eroded further.

Europe is only a small segment and as the world draws closer together through faster means of communication and transport it would be folly to put all our eggs in one basket.

Mr Davies may be a Liberal Democrat, that's your prerogative, but I would like to suggest that he is an MEP, not by the choice of the people, but more through tinkering by New Labour without time honoured way of voting.

Furthermore, what is more insulting than the 'fat cat' salaries and expenses paid to MEPs to just run this country down?

If you took to the street and asked the people you would probably find the general consensus of opinion to be that MEPs are completely over the top -- that is if they knew what an MEP is.

WALTER MEADOWS, Whalley New Road, Blackburn.