COMMENTS from patients about the care they receive in health centres are already being acted upon.

As part of NHS week Burnley Healthcare Trust undertook a consultation exercise asking patients and carers what they thought of the services and if any improvements could be made.

Assistant director of nursing quality Bernie Salisbury said: "The response was very high with more than 60 comments and suggestions made during the week.

"Many of the comments were highly complimentary of staff and of the services provided and a number of suggestions were made as to ways of improving communication between patients and staff. "We even had responses from children and they were very encouraging about the new clinic waiting area in the Edith Watson Unit and one said they wanted more computers!

"There was even a call to 'bring back matron' which reflects the findings within the NHS plan announced recently by the Prime Minister.

"We will be working to ensure someone is clearly identified as being in overall control.

"We are looking to establish a patient forum from next month and we will be sending out questionnaires to patients and from their suggestions comments will be placed on the notice boards of wards to show the action we have taken and this will be done on a regular basis probably every two to three months."