BUS travellers who save their bus tickets could save money off a holiday in the sun.

Blackburn Transport has joined forces with travel agent Travel Lines in Ainsworth Street, Blackburn, to offer customers the chance to turn their used tickets into cash.

Customers should save their tickets from routes 46 and 346 -- between Blackburn and Accrington -- to a maximum of two per person per day, or one 17 day RoverCard per person per week, from now until then end of February 2001.

Anytime between January 2001 and the end of March 2001 they can use their tickets at Travel Lines to save up to 5 per cent on the cost of their holiday, subject to taking out the company's insurance.

Michael Morton, managing director of Blackburn Transport said: "As part of our commitment to our customers, we want to give them something back for their loyalty."