I WRITE regarding the play area and speeding traffic on Braithwaite Road, Lowton.

This morning, Monday August 21, I witnessed an incident near the area.

A mother and her two young children were using the facility. One child was very young and in a baby carrier, the other was around two years old.

The mother was playing with the child on the slide, and beckoned to him that it was time to leave.

While she turned to pick up the baby, the boy ran to the gate and almost into the road. It upset me, so I don't know how his mother felt.

It's a good job the child listened to his mother's shouts.

This could have been a tragic tragic accident that has been waiting to happen ever since the area was built.

Why on earth Wigan Metro put the entrance facing the road, which has now become a racetrack, I fail to understand.

If the gate was on the other side facing the field, if a child ran out he would be safe from speeding traffic.

I have spoken to the council about the traffic and was told we were to get speed restrictions on the road.

The speed ramps as they call them have been put at the entrance to most of the roads off Braithwaite Road and are of no use whatsoever. The cars don't even have to slow down, they are that small.

There have been no restrictions at all near the play area where it is most needed.

Have you run out of materials Wigan Metro?

The situation on Braithwaite Road cannot continue. If this problem is left, a child will be killed.

Please Wigan Metro do something, before it is too late.


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