WHITE line markings to stop drivers from parking at the entrance of private driveways will now cost householders £30.

The new charge was introduced on Wednesday by the council's Environment Panel in an effort to relax current policy.

A report said householders will be able to request the entrance protection markings without having to satisfy strict criteria.

Driveways had to be located near commercial premises with clear evidence of obstruction throughout the day.

In other residential areas, the householder had to ask offending drivers to move or involve the police before markings could be introduced as a last resort.

A spokesman said: "In many instances, both measures increase conflict between neighbours and involve officers in time-consuming, non-productive work."

Markings will now be introduced on request subject to payment of the fee to cover administration, site visits, cost of installation and ongoing maintenance.

But the council is reserving the right to reject unmerited applications, and may also introduce markings in some areas free of charge if part of traffic calming measures or an accident reduction scheme.

The council is anticipating around 30 applications a year.