I AM glad to see that a major political party has finally addressed the real concerns of Britain's pensioners. For too long our needs have been ignored. William Hague's proposals to increase the level of the basic state pension are therefore welcome.

My generation has served this country well and we deserve to be treated with respect. All my life I have contributed to the welfare system and so I am entitled to receive the state pension. Yet instead of giving us solid assistance, this Labour Government patronises pensioners with gimmicks such as free TV licences but gives us a derisory 75 pence increase. What we want is more money in our pockets and the dignity to spend it in the way we choose.

We may not fit in with Tony Blair's 'Cool Britannia' image, but pensioners are a rapidly growing group. The Government ignores us at their peril. The Conservative Party's proposals are an encouraging move towards a better future.

Michelle Morton

Windermere Road
