I RESPECTIVELY suggest that Chris Davies might be better employed informing his constituents just how the Lib Dems vote in the European Parliament an any given subject and of the outcome instead of producing this constant stream of proactive and condescending letters.

For example: a vote recently concerned the (unelected) Commission's proposals for inclusion in the Nice Treaty to be signed by Tony Blair in December. Unbelievably these proposals would end the British veto on foreign policy, taxation, immigration and border controls and much more.

How did the British MEP's vote? Conservatives and UKIP... against. Labour abstained and the Lib Dems voted for this extension of EU powers -- all proposals were accepted by the European Parliament.

Mr Davies has totally misled his constituents in a disgraceful press release claiming that the UK Independence Party has cancelled debates in the NW. Completely untrue as is his statement that he had won the three public debates that had taken place. Readers who have attended any of those meetings know that to be untrue.

As Mr Davies cannot be relied upon to portray a true picture of recent events and his obvious willingness to mislead his constituents they must all surely ask this question: can his views on the Euro and the EU have any credibility whatsoever? I think not!

Val Cowell


NW Press Officer