YET again we have our MEP pleading he has been misunderstood. This repeated ploy must be exposed.

The fact is that each of his assertions has been fully understood and fully demolished. The evidence of this is now comprehensively documented in the files of The Citizen and in the records of his debates. These debates, contrary to the implications of his statement (Citizen: 24 August) were organised by others ad pressed on a reticent Mr Davies. They were discontinued because of the unacceptable perverse attitude he showed towards his opponents. Evidence of this attitude has, of course, been displayed in your columns.

His latest letter is rather more emollient but no less misleading -- this time he largely avoids specifics.

Of course he again brandishes the occasional letter he gets with extremist views, which he uses to deflect criticism. But in the main this time we are treated to a general description of EU idealism which is of course not the reality. It is the pretence which permeates every Mr Davies; every outburst.

The incontrovertible fact is that his partnership of nations is moving towards a federation of regions and all main continental leaders reiterate this.

His claims that Commissioners Patten and Kinnock show that the EU provides its own greatest critics but some of Patten's comments were significantly made before he entered the Brussels bureaucracy and didn't Kinnock support the reprimanding of Paul Van Buitenen (EU whistle-blower) in this he was incredibly rejecting the devastating criticism of the independent committee which had forced Santer's commission to resign en masse!

Francis Warren

Newlands Rd
