A DATE has been set for the public inquiry into a village green plan for the proposed Xanadu site.

And members of the 'No Xanadu Campaign' have called a public meeting to discuss how best to present their case.

The inquiry will take place at Leigh Town Hall, November 14-16 with a reserve date set for November 17 if it runs over.

The public meeting will be held on Monday, 8pm, at Leigh Cricket Club.

Chris Maile, of the Campaign for Planning Sanity, said: "The campaign of opposition to the Xanadu Project is as active as it was at the beginning.

"This application, which seeks to protect this site for future generations is part of the ongoing work of the campaign.

"We are confident of ensuring success for the people of Pennington, and an end to this monstrous development that will blight the lives of everyone within the locality."

Organisers said the meeting on Monday would also give the people of Pennington a chance to voice their opinions on the Leigh Guided Busway.