A NATIONAL charity which is offering a free holiday to Preston pensioners is amazed that so few people in the area have taken them up on the offer.

The National Benevolent Fund for the Aged (NBFA), a registered charity since 1957, offers 2,000 holidays a year to elderly people from across the UK who have a low income and have not had a holiday for at least three years.

Recently they had 100 places available on a coach trip to the Scottish town of Dunoon, but were forced to cancel one coach and reduce the number to 50 places due to a lack of interest from people in Preston.

Bernadette Benati from the charity said she was amazed there has been such little interest.

She said: "People obviously can't believe it is true. We have provided holidays for people from all over the UK but we haven't had people from Preston that many times.

"There seems to be a lack of interest from Lancashire in general. Maybe they think it's too good to be true. But we are 100 per cent genuine!

"There is no catch. It is simply a chance to visit Scotland, try some authentic whisky and hear the bagpipes!"

The holiday will be from November 5-11, at the 3-star Selborne Hotel in Dunoon and includes coach travel, accommodation, breakfast and three course evening meal, entertainment and outings.

And there are 30 places still remaining which the charity is desperate to fill.

If you think you fit the bill call the NBFA on 0208 688 6655.