I MUST put pen to paper to respond to the criticism of Hilton Dawson for his support of a shelter for homeless people in Lancaster.

Your correspondent seemed to think there is some contradiction between Dawson's position and that of Home Secretary Jack Straw's, after recent comments on giving money to street beggars.

I have no idea what Hilton's views on giving to beggars in the street are, but I do know he is a caring and compassionate man who has spent much of his life working to improve the lot of children, especially in the care system.

Jack Straw makes an important point that giving coins to a beggar does not solve the problem of poverty and homelessness. Research has shown that most people on the street have a drug habit and money given, with the best intentions by caring people, often ends up in the pockets of drug dealers. Surely it's better to give to organisations like the Salvation Army and other charities who work to improve conditions for the homeless ?

Contrary to your correspondent's view, the Labour Government has done much to help the poorest in our society and to clean up the mess left behind by the previous administration. For example, tax cuts for those on lowest incomes, a minimum income guarantee for pensioners, the working families tax credit, the introduction of a National Minimum Wage, moves to enable people to get out of the benefit trap and into the workplace. These measures were opposed by the Conservatives, whose policies in the Thatcher years did so much to foster the conditions for poverty and homelessness. People have short memories.

Your correspondent seems to have a problem with Hilton Dawson being actively involved with projects in his own constituency. Perhaps she had become used to the complacency and inactivity of previous Tory MPs who only seemed to pop up at election time. I for one welcome the change to an MP who gets involved with local issues and projects in his constituency.

Glyn Bailey

Ash Drive

Poulton le Fylde