WITH reference to your article about the closure of Brooklands residential home in Blackburn (LET, November 18).

I would suggest that this situation is one which could be repeated a number of times in the future as a result of the policies of the Labour administration in this town.

In the case highlighted, it would appear that the present owner has decided, quite legitimately, to realise the value of the building by selling it to Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, who, in buying it, know that it is a residential home, but as they are in the private education sphere, presumably wish to use it in that area.

The 33 residents have obviously had no say in the negotiations, despite the building being their home.

Who should have been representing their interests? We have executive member for Social Services Coun Sue Reid saying that she is shocked that the owner is dealing with this highly sensitive issue in this manner.

Bit late in the day, Sue. Who could the owner sell it to? Businesses are there to make a profit. Profit isn't a dirty word. It provides the financial capacity to build a strong business base.

It is obvious that ordinary people in this society do not earn enough during their working lives to set aside the sums needed to pay for residential care. They, therefore, have to rely upon relatives, or payments by Social Services, to subsidise their care, or to sell their nest eggs, if they have any.

Despite what Coun Reid may say, the amounts set aside for this have been capped by this, a Labour government. Because the people affected are hidden, they are not strident.

They cannot bring the country to a halt by picketing petrol supplies. So, therefore, they are not on Tony's list. In your later years, this could happen to you or one of your near relatives. Is this how you want to be treated?

As the demographic curve increases, we will have a larger proportion of elderly people within our society. They have all contributed. They deserve consideration.

In closing their own residential homes, the authority were clearly signalling that this is a service they cannot afford. What is to be done? It needs debate and a policy being adopted before the next closure.

D D'ARCY, Haslingden Old Road, Knuzden, Blackburn.