FROM the opening seconds of Psycho Babble you realise you are not watching an amateur camcorder nightmare bundled together in a weekend.

The directors have carefully chosen each detail-packed shot to please the eye or unease the viewer, depending on the desired effect.

The story is complex and requires some concentration, dealing as it does with a raft of psychological issues, but it basically revolves around a serial killer. The acting is first class from all involved, but most outstanding is the chain-smoking Oz who both lightens up and darkens the film's tone perfectly.

Like much of modern cinema, the film fluctuates between the comic and the horrific with a roller-coaster-like action and laughter that can turn to shocked gasps within seconds.

It would be easy to pick on a few small aspects of the film which are a result purely of budget limitations, but overall, given this is the first work of the three producer/directors, this is a very impressive piece of work and will be the perfect calling card in future to impress movie moguls for more money to make their second feature.