A 92-year-old bag snatch victim was left lying in agony in the road with a fractured hip.

The victim, who lives in Stacksteads, is the latest of seven lone women to be targeted in bag snatch attacks in Rossendale this month.

After hospital treatment she is at home being looked after and comforted by her family.

Elderly women have been warned not to be extra vigilant if they go out on their own following the spate of muggings.

A 54-year-old disabled woman was also attacked in a separate weekend incident and also left lying on the road. She was not seriously hurt.

Det Sgt Stuart Barlow said: "We have had seven incidents this month, three in Rawtenstall and four in the Waterfoot/Stacksteads area which all happened between 3-4pm.

"These are nasty offences and the most serious crimes we are currently investigating.

"The 92-year-old was left on her back in the road. Fortunately she is a sprightly sort of lady but any incident like this must be extremely serious for someone of her age."

All the attacks have been in daylight and on women walking alone.

DS Barlow said: "I have been in touch with my mum warning her to take extra care and I hope other elderly women get the same message." The attacks in the Waterfoot/Stacksteads area may be connected but those in Rawtenstall are believed to been carried out by different thugs.

The attacks in Rawtenstall were on women aged 78 and 76. On Friday a handbag was stolen from a shopping trolley being used by an elderly woman in the Asda store. Security cameras are being studied to see if the offenders were caught on film.

On Saturday, November 18, a 79-year-old woman was walking in Woodlea Road, Waterfoot, when she had her handbag stolen by a white man, 5ft 6ins tall, of average build, with a crooked nose, fair hair and wearing a dark green nylon jacket with a hood.

On Tuesday last week a 78-year-old woman had her bag stolen in Cowpe Road, Waterfoot, at 3.55pm by a man of similar description. He was seen to get into a silver coloured car driven by another person.

On Friday at 4pm the 92-year-old was walking in Heath Hill drive, Stacksteads, when she felt her bag being grabbed. She did not see her attacker.

On Saturday at 3.20pm a disabled victim was walking along Miller Barn Lane, Waterfoot, when she was attacked and left lying on the ground.

Her black plastic handbag containing reading glasses, bus pass, blue wallet and cash were stolen.

She was not seriously hurt but badly shaken.

DS Barlow said: "The people responsible may be involved in the drug scene but that would be only guessing on my behalf and I don't want to do that.

"I am asking that anyone with information should contact Rossendale CID on 01706 237442 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111."