REGARDING Mr J Buckley's remarks (Letters, November 17) following his receipt of a reminder to use his vote in the ballot to see if tenants wish to transfer the ownership and management of their homes from Blackburn with Darwen Council to Twin Valley Homes.

I would like to confirm my comments (LET, November 2) that I give people my 100 per cent assurance that it is absolutely confidential which way people vote.

A reminder letter was sent to all tenants who had originally received a ballot paper, irrespective of whether they had already cast their vote or note.

The ballot is being managed by the Electoral Reform Ballot Services who are Britain's leading specialists in the management of ballots and elections. They are an organisation of unrivalled experience and integrity. They will not disclose who voted either way.

I hope this clarifies the impartiality of the tenants' choice to select their future landlord by postal ballot.

PHIL RICHARDS, Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services, Blackburn with Darwen Council.