A PROJECT to reduce the number of stroke victims in Bury could be kick-started this week.

A draft plan to improve the prevention, management, and rehabilitation of people in Bury and Rochdale suffering from strokes had been put together.

But the project had stagnated and members of Bury North Primary Care Group will be asked tomorrow (Wed Nov 29) to take steps to complete the action plan, and reform the Stroke Strategy Group.

The Bury and Rochdale area had a death rate of around 11 per cent from strokes in 1996, higher than the national rate.

Statistics show around one-third of stroke victims die within a week, one-third make a complete recovery, and the remaining one-third are left mentally and physically impaired.

Among the symptoms suffered by stroke victims are the loss of use of a limb, speech or language difficulties, swallowing problems, or a decline in intellectual function.