ST HELENS Council is setting the standards with its stance on tackling homelessness.

That's the word from SHELTER who described the council as "an example of good practice to other local authorities'." The national charity particularly singled out the partnerships between housing, social services and the voluntary sector which provided "joined up services" able to provide comprehensive support.

Last year St Helens provided advice and help to 490 young people aged between 16 and 25. Many had found themselves homeless due to family breakdown where parents or other relatives were no longer able to accommodate them. Loss of private rented tenancies or properties in very poor condition were also major factors for people seeking help.

More than 70 per cent of those seeking assistance were helped to access either permanent or temporary accommodation using a variety of housing options. Many enquiries resulted in staff helping people to remain in their homes that were under threat of being lost.

St Helens Council's housing advice centre offers help to residents across the borough on housing options including temporary hostel facilities. Staff are available between 8.45am and 5pm, Monday to Friday on the ground floor, Wesley House, Corporation Street, St Helens, telephone 01744 456294/456293. Appointments may be necessary for some enquiries.