HEALTH chiefs in Burnley have achieved this year's Government target of flu immunisation for 60 per cent of over 65s in the area.

Dr Swamy Narayana, chairman of Burnley Primary Care Group said he would be writing to his GP colleagues and practice and community nurses thanking them for their efforts in hitting the targets.

Said Dr Narayana: "It is a brilliant effort.

"Influenza vaccination is proven to be effective and should make a major contribution in avoiding a flu crisis this winter."

He added: "The figures are particularly spectacular when you consider the problem some practices have with vaccine supply."

Dr Narayana said he believed a major reason for the increased take-up was that many invitations to take part had been sent out directly to patients.

With a few days of the immunisation campaign left, patients who have not yet had their jab should contact their GP practice to see if they still have vaccine available.