PLENTY of letters have appeared over the months from supporters of the UK Independence Party sounding off their prejudices and calling for Britain to pull out of the European Union.

Quite often their target is Chris Davies, the North West's Liberal Democrat MEP, who is never afraid to give as good as he gets.

So it gave me great satisfaction to see what happened when the views of the anti-Europeans were put to a true test in the recent Parliamentary by-election.

The UK Independence Party got well and truly slaughtered.

In Preston the party secured a derisory two per cent of the votes, while in West Bromwich the figure was nearer one per cent. Parties which support Britain's EU membership gained more than 87 per cent of votes in each case.

I do not recall any of your contributors telling us what has happened to the UK Independence Party since it elected three MEPs to the European Parliament last year.

Their numbers are now down to two.

Public records published recently have revealed that neither of their two remaining MEPs have spoken at a single committee meeting in the European Parliament since they were elected.

If Britain's Brussels bashers can't be bothered to fight their corner in the meetings where the decisions are made, how does the UK Independence Party justify the salaries and expenses they get from the taxpayer?

Perhaps they spend their time campaigning in Parliamentary by-elections.

NEIL DERBYSHIRE, Chair, North West Liberal Democrats, Manor Road, Stockport.