WHAT a wonderful surprise to discover your article (LET, November 23) about 16-year-old Adam Jackson learning to fly -- a young boy with a high ambition, working hard to achieve it.

It was a complete antidote to the front page horrors and the tales of the pathetic bird-brained vandals, etc.

When it appears that the youth of today are a lost cause, now and then comes the evidence that this is not so. There are plenty of young people who are fine examples of the best we have for the future -- it is just that they don't get the publicity that the others get.

It was a very uplifting story and it made my day. Let us have more of the same please.

Incidentally, the age of chivalry has not yet gone -- not in Lancashire anyway.

DORIS BILSBROUGH (Mrs), Coronation Avenue, Feniscowles, Blackburn.