I CONFESS that I have little knowledge of the so-called 'gay' scene, but I strongly suspect that none of the clergy featured in your article on their attack on the lowering of the age of homosexual consent (LET, December 1) has, either.

They give the impression that thousands of dirty old men will be lurking around waiting to corrupt young 16-year-olds. How, I wonder, do they feel about two 16-year-old boys engaging in a mutual homosexual relationship? Should they be prosecuted?

I am a firm believer that one's sexual practices are a matter of one's own choice, but under no circumstances, no matter what age, should anybody be forced into any sexual act against their will.

It is a shame that, because of the clergy's action against Section 28, young people cannot be warned in schools about the physical and possible psychological dangers of engaging in homosexual actions at too young an age.

A minister I know once told me that only a married vicar was qualified to give advice on marriage. Can I now assume that only homosexual vicars can give advice on homosexuality?.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.