EVERY time I take my child to Willow Tree School in Clock Face, there is ample evidence of irresponsible dog owners allowing their pets to foul the pathway leading to the school entrance.

No doubt, parents across the borough experience the same problem.

In the case of Willow Tree Primary, there are two woefully small and inadequate council signs warning dog owners of the penalty for not cleaning up after their pet, unfortunately erected in the wrong places.

There are also the surviving two out of four bigger signs that I myself paid to have manufactured. The surviving bigger signs are more effectively placed, but have been defaced, making them difficult to read.

Two signs mysteriously disappeared shortly after erection by the Dog Warden Service, after it kindly agreed to put them up for me.

This is not a criticism of the Dog Warden Service. It seems to work hard in trying to fulfill its duties. I wonder how seriously St Helens Council view the problem of dog fouling close to our schools? There is the occasional 'crack-down' story in the local press, where some very unlucky dog owner is brought to book with a flourish and appropriate fine, but does this hide complacency and under funding and a lack of concern about our children's welfare in this regard?

What is needed right away is a more adequately-funded warden service that can enforce the dog fouling law more effectively, particularly close to schools. Also, bigger signs and more of them in key areas, so that selfish dog owners have no excuses.

Ernie Bate, Clock Face Road, Clock Face.