IT'S a case of new year, new start for mother-of-two Carol Gornall who has just landed her first job for two years under a new job scheme set up by the Employment Service.

The 44-year-old from Parr is the first person to be helped into work through the new 'Action for Jobs -- St Helens' team after starting as a part-time cleaner at Rosco Clothing in Cornwall Street, Parr.

Action teams aim to provide more opportunities for jobless people living in areas of high unemployment. The St Helens team is investing £250,000 in Parr and Clock Face over the next 12 months to boost employment in the area and there are currently four advisers working out of Derbyshire Hill Youth and Family Centre, Parr and Chester Lane Library, Clock Face.

Carol, a widow with daughters aged 20 and 14, has had various part-time positions since leaving full-time work to have her first child and heard about the Action for Jobs team through a voluntary cleaning job at the Derbyshire Hill Family Centre.

She said: "One of the Action for Jobs advisers, Lynda York, regularly pops into the centre where I help out with cleaning. On the Monday we talked about the type of work I was looking for and Lynda telephoned Rosco who were looking for a cleaner. I had my interview on the Tuesday and started work on the Wednesday! I think any extra help for people out of work will be welcomed by a lot of people round here -- they just need to know it's there."

UNEMPLOYED Parr and Clock Face residents can contact Action for Jobs -- St Helens on 07779 346666/7/8 or 9.