TRAFFIC police will crack down this New Year on drivers who insist on using mobile phones while behind the wheel.

Throughout this month traffic police will drive home the message it is not always good to talk by speaking to motorists they spot in Leigh, Tyldesley and Atherton using a mobile phone.

"We started a campaign in Wigan on Tuesday," said Inspector Tom Graham. "While we acknowledge that mobile phones are an essential means of communication and an important security asset it is unsafe to use a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving. It is also illegal. By using them you are not in proper control of your vehicle

"Hands free phones are not illegal but we discourage people from using them as they are a distraction. Nationally there has been a number of fatalities when the driver was using a mobile phone."

Drivers caught using a mobile phone could risk prosecution for falling short of the proper standard of care and vehicle control.

For failing to have proper control of the vehicle, a driver could be fined up to £2,500 and for careless driving a similar fine, between 3-9 penalty points and a period of disqualification could be imposed. For the more serious offence of dangerous driving the sentence could involve up to two years imprisonment, an unlimited fine, 12 months disqualification and an obligatory extended retest.

Never use a hand-held phone while driving

It is safer not to use a hands-free phone while driving.

Use a message service and take regular breaks

Employers -- do not expect staff to drive and phone at the same time.