A TOWN's Civic Trust is protesting over plans to alter an historical building

The former Prestige factory in Burnley is being developed on behalf of Sainsbury's to include business space, a food store, DIY store and garden centre and other units.

The developers are asking for listed building consent to demolish part of the south wing of the facade which fronts on to Colne Road and to rebuild it in modified form including a new fire exit.

The Civic Trust has told Burnley Council it objects to the loss of any part of the facade and would like to see it restored as a priority. English Heritage does not want to make representations and has said the decision can be taken locally. Planning officers will tell the development control and highways sub-committee on Thursday that the particular part of the facade is in a very poor state of repair with severe cracking and substantial signs of movement. A council building surveyor agreed the best long term solution was to demolish and re-build the wall.

The proposal is for the new wall to be 2.8 metres shorter, omitting one set of windows and including a fire exit.

The report to committee recommends approval, adding: "The development brief states that the facade must be retained but makes no specific mention of the wings.

"As this section of the wall will not be visible from any public areas and does not make a significant contribution to the historic interest of this building then it would be unreasonable to object to its amendment."