A PRESSURE group called Get Knotted is opposing plans to build 101 homes on the former railway sidings off Knotts Lane, Colne.

Members of the group attended a public meeting at Colne Town Hall expressing concerns about increased traffic problems, over-development, loss of open space and lack of amenities such as schools and shops.

Residents are concerned that other applications could follow the proposed Beazer homes plan.

They have told Pendle Council that if the urbanisation from Nelson to Colne was allowed to continue they would all be living alongside a main road with its associated dangers.

Ward councillor Edwina Sargeant said: "We shall look at these fears and concerns before making a decision. A report will go to the Colne and District committee on February 11 when a decision will be made."

She added: "It was a very good meeting with a good number of people there expressing their concerns. They made some valid points which councillors will take into consideration when we come to a decision."