THE Green group of councillors will be arguing and voting strongly against re-locating the museum to the town hall. I would be very surprised if the majority of councillors from other parties did not take the same line.

Far from pushing history away from the public eye, in my view the council could do more to promote it.

One way is to get more people into the museum. Green councillors have recently proposed, based on a suggestion by museum staff themselves, that two unused basement rooms be opened up for use as a caf - perhaps with an 18th century theme - and another small business.

Not only would this create a better atmosphere, but it would bring in revenue which the council desperately needs.

Another proposal which we support is to relocate the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) into the museum - this will bring the TIC into the heart of the town and will also free up the current TIC building and allow revenue to be generated from renting (our preferred option) or selling.

City Council finances have been in a mess for years and the council needs to find £1.9 million worth of savings (for a city Council Tax rise of 3 per cent) or revenue-generation measures.

In the last five years of Labour and Independent administrations, some £3.5 million has been taken out of the Council's reserves. Well, now there's nothing left.

We need to keep jewels in Lancaster's crown such as the museum but we also need positive ideas and action to put our financial difficulties behind us.

Cllr Jon Barry

Green Party leader

City Council