THE latest misjudged scheme by the Whalley Parish Council has once again reduced the issue of parking in the village to a farce.

This new idea is to encourage people to park on the Queen Elizabeth playing fields, which anybody who knows the village will realise are a good trek out of the way.

This will surely result in nothing more than occasional use because it is pretty fair to assume that both shop workers and customers will want to park as close to the shops as possible. Nobody will want to make a six-minute walk when others are managing to park outside their respective shops.

Also, it is very difficult crossinging the road because of the volume and speed of traffic, which will surely only increase with the new Calderstones housing development.

In my opinion, Whalley Abbey could be used to accommodate a number of cars because the residents of the village do enough to help the Abbey on occasions.

MOLLY BARNES, George Street, Whalley.