REGARDING the recent revelation of the deselection of Blackburn Councillor Peter Greenwood, I reiterate the comments of Jeff Stone (Letters, January 29), for while not seeing local issues in the way Peter does, I know him to be a keen supporter of local democracy.

He believes in people having an input in issues that affect them, without the stultefying rubber-stamping taking place at the moment.

I and other colleagues in the local Liberal Democrats respect his tenacity and veracity in fighting local issues. Local politics can only be diminished by his absence.

What is going on in the local Labour Party when people like him, and previously Michael Madigan, are considered out of touch with the New Labour Party? Councillors Malcolm Doherty and Gail Barton assure us that no influence was brought to bear on the people of Audley, whom Peter represented and that this deselection was a democratic decision.

I ask the people of Audley to carefully consider their decision, without let or hindrance and, like Peter on some past issues, stand against the crowd.

Peter does not need our support as Liberal Democrats -- I believe he has enough within his own party. It is time that they stood up to be counted.

D D'ARCY, Haslingden Old Road, Knuzden, Blackburn.