I RECEIVED a communique from a dating agency giving tips for Valentine's Day - the next big daylight robbery event of the year.

It says that for couples Valentine's Day is a time to rejoice in their relationship and celebrate the fact that they're in love - so far so good.

It is also a time for sending slushy cards, expensive chocolates and roses to the office. Where are these men? I've never met one.

For the rest of us it can be a day of dread and self doubt. Give over

It adds that a single women spends most of her day worrying about not having a date or creating extra pressure on herself for success of the date to follow that evening.

The single man spends most of his day worrying - should he shave? What aftershave should he wear? Does he dress in a suit or casual?

What planet are they from? I've never heard such twaddle. As a total unromantic I couldn't care less about the day, it's just another profit making rip-off.