TRANSPORT "troubleshooters" are coming to Bury in a bid to beat rush-hour congestion.

Schools and businesses will be high on the agenda for new travel co-ordinators who want to encourage people out of their cars.

Regional transport bosses are delighted that their bids for cash for the £30,000 a year advisers have been successful. The scheme will bring 11 co-ordinators to Greater Manchester and Bury will get its own dedicated worker.

Mr Mike Cannon, borough engineer, said: "Their role is to encourage and advise people about using alternative transport to the car and to promote "green" travel plans for businesses."

He cited Fairfield Hospital, the focus of controversy over whether another road to it needs to be built, as one example where the co-ordinators could help. They could advise staff on different ways of getting to work, whether by public transport, cycling, or sharing cars. "They will be working with us as part of our Local Transport Plan," he said. "It's all part of the Government's 10-year transport plan as well, which is not just about putting the infrastructure in place but bringing about "hearts and minds" changes in the way people travel to work."

The money is part of a £9 million Government grant, over three years, to 84 local authorities.

Keith Hill, transport minister, said: "We want to encourage more sustainable mobility and reduce congestion. Travel plans are an important part of the picture and need to be tailored to each area's circumstances if they are to have an effect.

"These new staff will spend time working with schools and businesses on the development of local measures designed to improve pedestrian and cycle routes, bus usage, car-sharing and tele-working, and thereby reduce reliance on the car."

The co-ordinators will also work with local public transport operators, health and education authorities, and the wider community.