A PILOT scheme has been set up by St Helens education officials to root out pupils behaving badly on school transport.

The LEA, with the help of Rainford High School, is developing a 'Behaviour Policy', which aims to provide safe, reliable and stress-free transport for all pupils using the service and will apply to all hired school transport services.

The scheme will run until July 19 and will record the number and type of incidents on school transport. Punishments imposed on misbehaving students will also be assessed to determine the most effective way to deal with offenders in the long term.

Parents have also been asked to speak to their children about the need to act responsibly and courteously to other passengers and the driver while travelling to and from school.

Although the LEA is aware that misbehaviour is often due to high spiritedness, it is concerned that the safety of other passengers on the buses may be jeopardised.

Following an initial trial period, the scheme will be evaluated and, if successful, may lead to similar schemes in other schools throughout the borough.