REGARDING the comments of Blackburn with Darwen Council executive member for social services, Councillor Sue Reid, about giving care to the elderly in their own homes (LET, February 15), while I welcome this initiative in principle, can we be assured that the service user -- the older person -- will always be central to any decision-making concerning their future care?

For example, should an older person want to enter a residential home rather than have services put into their own home, can we be assured that pressure will not be brought to bear on them to remain in their own homes?

I understand that this pilot scheme is in line with the latest government initiative and would welcome the individual being empowered to make decisions, having been given all the relevant information.

I hope, though, that Blackburn with Darwen Social Services department can assure me that nothing will be done to remove this choice for older people and that account will always be taken of their wishes and those of their families or carers.

I would not wish them to be met with what felt like hostility when I expressed the wishes of a family member on a recent occasion.

SANDRA TAYLOR, Blackburn (full address received).