AN ANGRY mother is alerting clubbers in the area to be on their guard following an horrific assault during a night out in St Helens when her daughter was injected by a mystery attacker with a hypodermic needle.

The girl from Haydock, who does not wish to be identified, was out with friends in a popular town centre nightclub and as they were finishing off their drinks, ready to come home, a male approached the girl from behind and 'pinched' her as he passed.

But the girl then realised that the male had actually stuck something in her and she fainted shortly afterwards.

When the young woman later recovered, she complained of bright lights, dizziness, a high temperature and a raging thirst.

The victim was escorted out of the club by friends and taken home in a black cab."

The victim did not notify her parents of the incident until the following Monday morning when she was immediately taken to St Helens Hospital.

Doctors there confirmed that the girl had been injected with a needle and she was treated for hepatitis as a precautionary measure. There were also suggestions there that the needle may have contained the so-called 'date rape' drug and the girl will now have to see a haematology consultant for further investigations.

The girl's mother added: "This is our worst nightmare come true, words cannot describe how we feel. All parents worry when their children are out, but to have this sort of assault when they are totally innocent is beyond us. I hope this imbecile is proud of himself for the worry he has caused. We wonder if his parents would like this sort of thing done to him or even worse, whether they know he is doing this."

She now wants to warn other parents of the dangers for their children: "I hope this will alert people to the dangers of what can happen and if anyone knows of this idiot who is doing this to young people, go to the police as we have to try and stop this maniac from doing this before a tragedy happens. "

The victim's parents would like to thank the three friends who helped their daughter get home safely that night and Gail for taking her to the hospital.

Merseyside Police confirmed that the incident had been reported, but added that they were not aware of any other similar incidents within St Helens town centre.