ST HELENS has one of the highest levels of television licence-dodging in the country, according to figures released this week.

In a 'League of Shame' issued by TV Licensing, the borough ranked 32 out of the top 40 areas in England with more than 850 licence-evaders caught in the WA 9 to WA11 postcode areas between July and December last year.

John Thompson, TV Licensing's Head of Field Operations, said: "The high number of evaders caught in St Helens is a tribute to the determination of our enquiry officers to constantly track down licence dodgers. A crucial role has been played by our database, which holds details of every address in the country. Based on that, we already know who does and who doesn't have a licence and we will continue knocking on the doors of suspected licence-evaders in St Helens".

Anyone caught without a licence risks a fine of up to £1,000 and they still have to buy a licence.

Mr Thompson added: "Given the likelihood of being caught, it's pretty foolish to risk a court visit and a fine of up to £1,000 -- particularly when there are so many ways to pay. We've been working closely with organisations like the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux and the Money Advice Association to give our customers as much choice as possible, whatever their financial circumstances".