ALTHOUGH sympathising with Blackburn Councillor Edna Arnold about her de-selection as a candidate for the council, especially as most of her service was carried out at times when councillors received no remuneration, I think it quite right that it is time she was 'stood down.'

The main problem with long-time serving councillors is that people see no changes and the fact that the same old regime is still in place after local elections is probably the reason for public apathy and the low turnout.

It is time we introduced true democracy to the local council and selected the required number of representatives by a lottery system, with all the electors' names being compulsorily entered and that they are made to serve a term of four years.

To stop the domination of council affairs by a small unelected ruling clique, as happens with the present system, no candidate should be allowed to serve more than two consecutive terms of office.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.