A FATHER has been reunited with his daughter after 21 years - thanks to the Star and new technology.

Ged Harrison, from Rainford Road, Windle, finally managed to contact her after setting up a search for her e-mail address on the internet.

Emma Mumford, now living in Melksham, Wiltshire, wrote to the Star asking for help in tracing her dad.

John Dixon, a friend of Ged's and head chef at Saints, told him about the letter in the Star but Ged was unable to find his daughter because by then she had moved house.

Ged temporarily gave up the search for Emma but after becoming seriously ill last summer, he set his heart on finding her.

The father and daughter were finally reunited when Ged drove to Wiltshire to visit her.

Although Ged says he was "petrified" about meeting his daughter for the first time, he added: "I've not only found a daughter, but I've also discovered a whole set of grandchildren as well!"

And Emma told the Star: "I would like to send a very big thank-you to the Star and to the man who told my dad about the article, if it wasn't for you, we would never have found each other."

Ged would also like to thank the Star and John Dixon for showing him the letter and for initiating the search.