RING and Ride, the door to door bus transport service for the disabled, is being given a £360,000 boost.

Ten new vehicles are to be added to the fleet thanks to the go-ahead of the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority's policy committee.

Most of the replaced old vehicles will be given a complete overhaul and refurbished before being decked out in new livery and donated to voluntary organisations in the county.

The Authority has also announced that £70,000 in grants will be made available to a wide variety of voluntary sector organisations.

The money will be used to help organisations to offer one-off trips and the cash necessary to promote their service and provide valuable training for staff.

The authority has agreed to make a grant of £21,500 to the Manchester and District Transport for Sick Children which offers a service to take ill children and their families and carers to hospitals, clinics and outpatient departments.

A further £7,500 grant will go to the Autistic Society to provide enhanced travel facilities for members.