GOOD, good, good is how inspectors summed up Emmanuel Holcombe C of E Primary School in Ramsbottom.

They said: "This is a good school. The pupils' attainment in the national tests for 11 year olds is well above the national average in English and mathematics. This is the result of good teaching throughout the school, which is well supported by effective leadership.

"The school gives good value for money."

The inspectors said the school had maintained its strengths which were recognised in its last inspection in 1997 and made good progress towards the issues raised.

The programme of self-review devised by the headteacher and governors was described as "first-rate".

Inspectors also found the school had responded well to national initiatives in literacy and numeracy.

On entering the school pupils have above average attainment and that is well sustained as they move through the school.

By age 11, pupils' achieve standards in English and mathematics that we well above the national average and in science the achievement although above average is in line with similar schools.

The school was advised to look at standards attained by pupils in information and communication technology, improve pupils' knowledge of and involvement in how to improve their work and improve the systematic evaluation of classroom practice to raise all teaching to the highest levels.

In a separate denominational inspection the school was said to prove a "caring, secure environment".

Headteacher Alan Beedie said: "We are delighted with the report and the recognition it gives to our hard work and success.

"However, we are not complacent and the report has a valuable role in helping to endorse ways in which we are making the education even better for our children."