BUSINESS angels have been given a lift with changes to the Enterprise Investment Scheme which provides tax breaks for investors in small companies.

In TEChINVEST, the North West has one of the UK's most successful business angel networks which links private investors with small firms needing cash for development.

Manager Vivienne Upcott Gill said changes introduced in the small print of the recent Budget would make it easier for enthusiastic executives to take a stake in business start-ups, bringing with them their drive and expertise.

"Business angels provide much-needed seed and expansion capital, often in smaller amounts and much more quickly than traditional sources, " she said.

"A record amount of business angel capital was invested in the economy during 1999/2000 -- no doubt encouraged by the last Budget. "I am confident that the changes made in the Budget will help to continue that trend, making use of the huge resource of capital and expertise available from private investors."

Anyone interested in registering as an investor or, as a company seeking investment, should contact the TEChINVEST team at the North West Development Agency, Tel: 01925 400301.