EAST Lancashire Tory MP Nigel Evans today said he was prepared to be tested for illegal drugs after he said there was a good case for MPs to be randomly checked.

Yesterday, under pressure from campaigning Labour MP Paul Flynn, he said there was 'a case to be looked at' for Parliamentarians and civil servants to be subjected to random drugs tests.

Mr Evans, who admits to the odd drink and cigar and to having held but not smoked a cannabis joint in America, said he was ready to undergo tests for illegal substances.

But he said: "I don't see why I should be tested for legal substances. I happen to support Mr Flynn on the legalisation of cannabis for medical use but I don't see that legal and illegal drugs should be treated the same."

Local Labour MPs were more than happy to be tested but wanted the first investigations to centre on Tory leader William Hague who admits to having drunk 14 pints in a day and the seven Shadow Cabinet members who confessed to having smoked cannabis in their youth.

Hyndburn MP and Government Whip Greg Pope said: "I've never been drunk in charge at the Whip's office.

"I think the first person to be tested should be the leader of the opposition. He appears to be drunk in charge of a bandwagon."

Pendle Labour MP Gordon Prentice said: "The convention is that no MP is ever drunk. This was blown apart by Clare Short when she accused then Tory Minister Alan Clark of being clearly drunk at the Despatch Box. It was the Parliamentary equivalent of revealing the emperor had no clothes."

Burnley MP Peter Pike: "I am not sure why people should be tested for legal drugs but I would be quite happy."

Blackburn MP and Home Secretary Jack Straw, told the Evening Telegraph he had never taken drugs but might have done if they had been around when he had been a student.