INSPECTORS from Ofsted found a good school with some very strong features at St Anne's and St Joseph's primary, Accrington.

The team praised many aspects including the leadership of head teacher Mark Dixon. He said: "We are all working really hard here and we are rapidly raising standards of learning for our children.

"The inspection team's findings simply reaffirm the fact we are focusing on the real issues for development. I think there are exciting times ahead."

Inspectors said the school's methods of ensuring the children behave well, understanding right from wrong and are developing spiritually, were very good. The inspectors also found that the teaching across the school was good overall with very good and excellent teaching in over a quarter of the lessons.

However, inspectors found that standards of writing were too low across the school, but particularly in Key Stage 1, and the standard in design and technology was too low in Key Stage 2.

Governors' chairman Bernard Holden said: "We will be working to address the two areas for improvement that the inspectors drew attention to. This is an overwhelmingly positive report and I'm delighted."