COMPOST bins are to be the way forward in a bid to boost the amount of rubbish recycled in Wigan and Leigh. Wigan Council has joined forces with a supplier of compost bins and local garden centres to offer a 70 percent cut in the price of the unit that turns organic waste into compost. Recycling officer David Bullock pointed out that nearly a third of all kitchen waste is actually organic and can be used to make rich garden compost and in recycling this type of waste the people of Wigan and Leigh can dramatically reduce the amount of rubbish sent to landfill sites. The scheme aims to make it easier for people to recycle and anyone with a concern for the environment who isn't already making their own compost is urged to go out and take advantage of the reduction.

The compost bin is currently available from Laurel Nurseries of Atherton Road, Hindley and leaflets advertising the scheme will go out to every household explaining how people can take advantage of the recycling scheme.