THE finishing touches were put to a project aimed at improving the local area with the planting of a 10ft oak tree.

Groundwork Rossendale has worked alongside the Haslingden Environment Trust and residents from York Avenue estate on the project, which has seen a number of initiatives.

Land between York Avenue and Helmshore Road, Haslingden, was designated for a spruce-up and with money from the Single Regeneration Budget, plus additional funding from Lancashire County Council and Rossendale Borough Council, the area has been given a whole new look.

Local primary school pupils helped plant a shelter belt and flowering bulbs, a handrail has been installed for easier access into the site and a better path are just some of the things achieved. Residents were on hand this week to help with the planting of the oak tree plus a whole number of species of wild flowers.

Martin Parfitt of Groundwork Rossendale, said it had been a real community project from start to finish, which would benefit the local community by environmental regeneration.