I AM writing regarding the proposed "Viva Las Blackpool". Who are we kidding? Does Blackpool need to be turned into a gambling mad resort?

Only Leisure Parcs can seen the attraction. And why? Because they are anticipating fat bank accounts and huge profits to be made.

If Blackpool needs to adopt Las Vegas-type gambling, why not also adopt Las Vegas laws and in that way we can get rid of Blackpool's yobs.

Until Blackpool makes drastic changes -- eg getting rid of DSS hotels, gay bars and clubs -- we are not going to make the streets of Blackpool safe again.

If we are so determined to adopt or be like America we might as well become an American state and if we have to join a single currency it might as well be the American dollar. Who knows, maybe we should resurrect Elvis Presley so that he can sing our theme tune, Viva Las Blackpool.

Darryl Ashton,

Eastbourne Road, Blackpool.