A FIVE-YEAR blueprint has been drawn up to help companies in East Lancashire to boost their export sales.

A key part of the plan is to encourage small businesses to look at international trade opportunities through the new Business Link network and the Chamber of Commerce.

The North West International Trade Strategy has been launched by Trade Minister Richard Caborn who believes the region is lagging behind the rest of the country. The North West is in eleventh place in a league table of the UK's 12 regions.

Said Mr Caborn: "This strategy provides a foundation for business support in the North West which will help companies, both manufacturing and service-based, to strengthen their own international trade initiatives.

"While many companies in the North West sell products and services overseas, there is huge scope for other firms to do so, particularly from the small business sector.

"This ambitious new strategy will benefit both established exporters and firms who have not yet dipped a toe in international markets."

The five-year strategy aims to increase the value of exports of manufactured goods to £15 billion by 2005. There will be a new emphasis on trade development, rather than on promotion.

Extensive consultation with North West businesses has identified a series of barriers which companies believe is preventing them looking at overseas markets.

The new East Lancashire Business Link, working in close conultation with the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, will be the primary point of contact for local companies.