A YOUNG man who was apparently stabbed in the leg with a needle while enjoying a night out has warned others to be on their guard.

The 21-year-old victim, who was with his girlfriend and a group of pals when the alleged incident took place, awoke the next day to find that he had a mark on his leg surrounded by a bruised area.

He later went to hospital where it was revealed that the mark had been caused by a needle.

Since then, the man, who prefers to remain anonymous, has been anxously awaiting the results of blood tests. He told the Star: "This incident has left me very upset and feeling paranoid. I keep wondering why it happened. It is wrecking my life worrying about these tests. The waiting is agonising.

"And I want to warn other people and make them aware of the dangers. The incident has certainly put me off going around town at night and in future I will be very careful when out drinking".