A BANNED driver who crashed a car and left his brother unconscious and bleeding in the vehicle to "save his own skin," was told by a judge he was "beneath contempt."

District Judge Paul Firth told Carl Anthony Little, 19, he could not think of an appropriate description of his behaviour which he could repeat in open court which adequately met his feelings about Little as a human being.

The judge said Little had breached one court order after another, continuing to drive whilst disqualified, not complying with combination orders and driving while on bail.

District Judge Firth sent Little to custody for 11 months and said the sentence was wholly inadequate, but he had no choice as the law prevented him sending any of the offences he had committed to Crown Court.

He added the offence of driving while disqualified once carried a sentence of up to two years in prison, but it was then reduced to six months.

Little, of Knotts Lane, Colne, had admitted two counts of driving while disqualified and not having insurance and one of driving without due care and attention when he appeared at Burnley Magistrates Court.

He was also re-sentenced for two counts of theft and two further offences of driving while disqualified for which he had been given combination orders.