EVERY 2 minutes someone suffers a heart attack and half of those people will die.

This harrowing fact has spurred Nick Daves into taking part in a 13 mile half marathon in Liverpool on behalf on the British Heart Foundation. Nick's girlfriend was born with a defect heart valve resulting in a major operation when she was born where her life was a touch and go situation. Another operation had to take place when she was 13 years old and she now has to stay on medication for the rest of her life.

Without the research that takes place within the British Heart Foundation, she may not have survived so Nick will take part in the marathon in order for more research to take place into heart conditions therefore helping other children also born with heart defects. The British Heart Foundation is the largest funder of the independent heart research in the UK and has enabled there to be a remarkable reduction in the death rate among children born with serious heart defects. Now fewer than one in ten die where at one time, it was eight in ten.

The British Heart Foundation are Sainsburys Charity of the Year so they will kindly be handing vouchers over to Nick who will then raffle them off for the charity.

Nick, who has been practising by running along the canal as well as around his local area, is in hard training for the marathon. He is currently running around 9 miles but aims to be up to running the 13 miles required by the marathon date on the 2nd September. He hopes to finish the half marathon within 2 hours.

If you would like to help Nick by sponsoring his efforts, please contact us on 01524 382121.